Ellev8 New Zealand

Oct 14, 2023By Berni Woods
Berni Woods
So I've just flown across the Tasman Sea to New Zealand this past weekend for a LIVE Traders Bootcamp with Ellev8. Sound a little over the top? maybe, (and yes it was very last minute!) but here's the thing, I know that to be the best Trader possible, I need to put everything on the line, do the work and learn every which way possible.

Ellev8 Traders Bootcamp New Zealand
Late night trading with a view to die for!
This weekend had it's fair share of learning the basics of technical analysis, but what I loved most was the enormous amount of personal development and mindset that was taught. What is our why, finding our purpose, who is our motivator to achieve the financial freedom you're aiming for? You see if there's no goal, or motivation for success, what is the point?
Were there tears? You betcha because my purpose and my WHO, if taken away from me is now my cemented driving force to make sure it never happens.

Trading is 95% mindset and 5% skill. Anyone can learn TA then click a buy/sell button, but the real work to become a successful Trader runs much much deeper.

A Traders journey is forever ongoing and evolving, and a skill I'm so glad I pursed, but more so, giving me the vehicle to become the best version of myself through personal development and the desire to do and be more. Surrounding yourself with successful, passionate and likeminded people, is exactly where you need to be to get where you want to be and this is a weekend I'll never forget. I've made some wonderful new connections and experienced some deep emotions, but worth every cent!

There are so many amazing opportunities and platforms around us to learn this incredible skill, and I've learnt so much from the best Educators over the last 14 months, so watch this safe space because Trade My Way is on it's way!

Ellev8 Bootcamp New Zealand 2023

15 October 2023